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What is instrumentation?
Instrumentation is the science and technology of complete systems with which physical quantities are measured so as to obtain data which are transmitted to recording or display devices or to control devices.
Instruments may be classified according to their application, mode of operation, manner of energy conversion, nature of output signal and so on. All these classifications usually result in overlapping areas. However, the instruments commonly used in practice may be broadly categorized as follows:
1. Deflection and Null Types.
2. Manually Operated and Automatic Types.
3. Self - Generating and Power Operated Types.
4. Analog and Digital Types.
5. Contacting and Non -Contacting Types.
6. Dumb and Intelligent Types.
For the measurement of a physical variable, generally a number of alternatives may be available. For example, pressure in a given system may be measured by means of a simple mechanical type Bourdon gauge or with a diaphragm gauge with electrical read out. Similarly, the velocity of flow may be determined by a simple Pitot-static tube or by means of a hot wire anemometer, depending on the requirement of the particular situation. It may be noted that for a particular application, the types of instruments available normally would differ quite drastically in the scientific principle on which they are based, the mechanism through which this principle is applied and the way in which the result is displayed. Therefore , it is imperative to carefully study the specifications of the different instruments , weigh the pros and cons with regards to their capabilities and limitations and then exercise a judicious choice in the selection of the instrument for a given application.